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HHCW - Blog - Motivation
How I Can Help

Are Teens Actually Lazy?

As a parent who has kids that are approaching the teenage years, I’m trying to prepare myself for what awaits me! As a psychotherapist, one

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HHCW Video Blog
How I Can Help

Are you motivated?

One of the most important factors in a teen’s success at school is motivation – the desire to do something. When motivated deadlines are doable,

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HHCW Video Blog
Cyber Bullying

What is Cyber Bullying?

Cyber bullying is the modern way that bullies ply their trade. To me, the biggest difference between what my kids may have to deal with

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HHCW - Blog - What is Procrastination
How I Can Help

What is Procrastination?

Updated: September 22, 2020 | Original Post: October 16, 2019 Procrastination may not seem like a fitting topic in a blog written by a psychotherapist.

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HHCW Video Blog
How I Can Help

What is Procrastination?

Procrastination on its own is not a diagnosable mental health condition, but if left unmanaged it can cause anxiety and depression. When I think about

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HHCW Video Blog

What is ADD/ADHD?

Many people, when they hear that a child has been diagnosed with either ADD or ADHD, think that the child has a problem. Often the

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